How To Faux Flock A Christmas Wreath

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How To Flock A Christmas Wreath

I love the look of flocked Christmas wreaths, but the mess sheeesh. All of the flocking spreads everywhere. We have a quick and easy way how to flock a Christmas wreath and garland using white paint. We will show you how to flock a wreath or garland the super easy way.

What you’ll need To Flock A Christmas Wreath

  • Christmas wreath – we picked ours up from Michaels
  • White paint – we used white acrylic paint
  • paint brush
  • paper towels

We found this plain jane Christmas wreath at Michaels, but you can find similar ones at other craft stores too.  We plan on using this wreath inside so we used regular white acrylic paint.  If you plan to use the wreath outside you should use outdoor acrylic paint.

Before you start painting make sure that you adjust and fluff the wreath to your liking.  If you do that after you paint you might end up having some bare spots where you missed the paint.

I used a dry brush technique to add a snowy look to the wreath.  Now here’s where the magic happens.  This is how you flock a Christmas wreath the easy way.

Dip your paint brush into the paint and dab the extra paint off onto a paper towel. Gently brush the edges of the wreath with the paint brush.  Make sure to get the edges and in between the little branches too.

how to flock a christmas wreath

Work your way around the wreath adding as much “snow” as you’d like.  Remember to dry off your brush a bit on the paper towel every time you add paint to the brush.  You don’t want the paint dripping onto your wreath.
how to flock a christmas wreath the easy way

Let the wreath dry entirely before adding any decorations or hanging it.

how to flock a Christmas wreath

You can use this same technique on garland too. Once the wreath is dry you can add your wreath picks, bows ornaments etc. For ideas on how to decorate your wreath check out our post on How To Decorate A Faux Christmas Wreath Happy decorating!

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