Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy Recipe

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How To Make A Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy

As cooler temperatures roll in we’ve started trading our refreshing summer cocktails for warm comfort drinks. One of our go to recipes is a Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy.  Our recipe has varied over the years, sometimes as simple as boiling water, honey and bourbon.  We have added a few other ingredients to make a delicious warm toddy.

Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy Recipe (makes 1)

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1/3 cup bourbon whiskey
  • 1.5 Tbsp honey
  • Squeeze of a lemon wedge and thin slice of fresh lemon for garnish – you can also just drop in the lemon wedge you just squeezed instead 😉
  • Cinnamon stick or a dash of cinnamon

Start boiling your water in a kettle or in a saucepan.

Add 1/3 cup bourbon whiskey.

We have large glass mugs like these that are perfect for hot toddies!

honey bourbon hot toddy

Now for the sweetness.  Add 1.5 Tbsps of honey.

Add 1 cup of boiling hot water to the mug.

Stir until the honey has dissolved.

Add the juice from a small wedge of lemon and garnish with a thin slice of fresh lemon

Garnish with cinnamon stick or add a dash of cinnamon.


honey bourbon hot toddy

Check out more great simple drink recipes here.


2 thoughts on “Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy Recipe”

  1. Summer is approaching fast, and there cannot be a drink more amazing than the cocktail. The cool and tasty drink is liked by many people, and also there are different varieties available.

    This is an excellent article that explains the recipe of ‘Honey Bourbon Hot Toddy.’ Garnishing with a cinnamon stick looks amazing. Thank you very much for this article.


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