Open shade, a photog’s best friend

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Have you ever heard that an overcast day is the perfect weather for photos and wondered why?  Who doesn’t love the sunshine?  We can explain, direct sun is beautiful, however, in photos it creates harsh shadows across the face, darkens the eyes, and causes people to squint.  The photo below was taken in direct sunlight:

But as we all know, life happens no matter what the weather is so, as a photographer, you learn to adapt and use your surroundings to make the best of the situation.  This is when open shade comes in handy!  Open shade is a shaded area next to direct sunlight.  Below is a pulled back view of our direct sun vs. open shade demonstration:

Move your subject into the very edge of the shade like we did below:

And the results?  A nice filtered light with no harsh shadows, and being able to see those big blue eyes!

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